The Project

Advanced therapy based on antigen-specific dendritic cells to restore tolerance in immune-mediated diseases

Two main objectives

Accelerate the cellular development of a second-generation VitD3DC product for clinical application.

Provide Europe with advanced protocols on the VitD3DC product of second generation for cellular approaches to treat Multiple Sclerosis.

Expected impact


Revolutionary scientific discovery on tolerogenic cellular therapies for Multiple Sclerosis and other diseases.


Reduction of the average annual healthcare cost per patient through the development of a better treatment to delay the disability of patients with Multiple Sclerosis.


Improve the quality of life of patients with Multiple Sclerosis, their families and caregivers by reducing disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), decreasing morbidity and reducing the need for lifelong therapy.

The project is divided into 8 parts that are closely related to each other.

In each part, a series of professionals who belong to academic and research centers, hospitals and SMEs from five countries of the European Union (Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Hungary and Germany) participate.