The closing ceremony for this new edition will take place on June 11, presided over by Her Majesty the Queen.

Toledo, May 16, 2024. Last Tuesday, Ms. Begoña Aguilar, president of ADEMTO, attended a meeting at the Financial City of Banco Santander. The event was an informal gathering of the organizations, executives, and sponsors whose projects were selected in the new call for “Euros from Your Payroll,” promoted by the aforementioned bank, with active participation from its employees.

The event, presided over by Mr. José Manuel Cendoya (Vice President of Santander Spain and General Director of Communication, Corporate Marketing, and Studies at Banco Santander), featured an intervention by the president of ADEMTO. She presented the project “Improving Quality of Life through 3D Printing,” which was one of the awardees in the disability category. She also informed the attendees about the various activities the organization performs daily.

Project in detail

Improving the quality of life and performance of daily activities by implementing support products designed through 3D printing. These products are intended to adapt daily life activities at a low cost and be accessible to everyone, designed by an occupational therapist.

This XVI Call for “Euros from Your Payroll” will conclude on June 11, 2024, in an event that will be presided over by Her Majesty the Queen.

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