euros de nomina banco santander ademto
  • Her Majesty the Queen and Ana Botín have delivered 700,000 euros to the 16 winning NGOs of the XVI “Euros de tu Nómina” Call, among which is the Toledo-based ADEMTO, which will receive 28,487 euros to generate individualized products for patients using 3D printing.
  • Since this initiative was launched, it has distributed 6 million euros among the 153 winning NGO projects in Spain and has helped nearly 650,000 people.
  • As a novelty in this edition, and with the intention of providing funds not only to large projects but also to medium and small ones, there are four winners in each of the four categories of the call. Three of them will receive 48,487 euros and one will receive 28,487 euros.
  • In 2023, Grupo Santander allocated 174 million euros, 105 million to support higher education, employability, and entrepreneurship, and 69 million to other local community support initiatives that have helped more than 2.2 million people.

Madrid, June 11, 2024 – PRESS RELEASE

Her Majesty the Queen presided over the award ceremony of the XVI “Euros de tu Nómina” Call this morning, held at Ciudad Grupo Santander. Accompanied by Banco Santander’s president, Ana Botín, and in front of more than 500 attendees, the sixteen initiatives selected by the bank’s employees in Spain were recognized and will receive funds to carry out their chosen projects.

Her Majesty the Queen, who once again reiterated her commitment to the “Euros de tu Nómina” celebration, stated: “Thank you, thank you to all who think of others, to those who take action to make change real, so that a person with Down syndrome can achieve stable employment, so that someone with ALS can have hope and see more research; more research, so that a vulnerable young person feels welcomed, so that a child with a neurological disease receives support, so that an elderly person feels they are not alone and abandoned. Thank you. And my second message, also very brief, is one of admiration and respect for all the people who dedicate so much energy, resources, and time to make everything we have just seen possible.”

Ana Botín, president of Banco Santander, thanked the Queen for her participation and the commitment she has always shown to this initiative, and specified that: “We live in a very complicated geopolitical context, marked by war and armed conflicts that are causing enormous tragedies and impacting the global economy, especially the most vulnerable. In these times, more than ever, we must act with responsibility and solidarity to ensure economic and social well-being. We need to listen to the voices of those who need us and work together to respond to them.”

Botín highlighted that “we must collaborate to implement solid and sustainable projects over time that help transform the world and build a better future for everyone.” She pointed to the “Euros de tu Nómina” initiative as a fantastic platform for many of these causes.

Among the winners is the Association of Multiple Sclerosis of Toledo and other neurological diseases (ADEMTO), which will receive 28,487 euros to generate individualized 3D-printed products adapted to the specific anatomy and needs of each patient, improving their mobility, autonomy, and quality of life.

euros de nomina banco santander ademto

Euros de tu Nómina

“Euros de tu Nómina” is one of Banco Santander’s most significant initiatives, engaging thousands of employees committed to social causes and supporting NGOs that work daily to help the most vulnerable groups. This solidarity initiative has reached its sixteenth edition, distributing nearly 700,000 euros among the 16 awarded organizations.

In this edition, 246 associations participated, presenting their projects, with 30 finalists and 16 winning projects. The winning projects are funded through the “Euros de tu Nómina” Fund, made up of contributions from employees who donate a monthly amount through their payroll. All the money raised annually is matched by the Bank. Since this program started, over 6 million euros have been distributed among the 137 winning projects, helping nearly 650,000 people.

As a new feature of this edition, and with the intention of providing funds not only to large projects but also to medium and small ones, each of the four categories in the call will have four winners, three of which will receive 48,487 euros and one 28,487 euros.

Other Winning Projects

The winners have been selected in four categories: Disability, Social Inclusion, Health, and International Cooperation.


  • Asociación DalecandELA: Their winning project will support research into new methodologies or treatments for 60% of familial ALS cases and a high percentage of sporadic ALS cases.
  • Fundación Querer: Through their project “El cole de Celia y Pepe: innovative therapies for children with rare diseases and neurological disorders,” they seek to develop innovative therapies to promote the development and integration of affected children.
  • Federación Down Galicia: Their project, “Una escuela para tod@s,” focuses on promoting and facilitating the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in mainstream schools.

Social Inclusion

  • Fundación AsinDown: They will launch a training center for hospitality and tourism for people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities, where companies and institutions can hold events and meetings.
  • Obra Social San Juan de Dios: Their project, “Futur&Co,” aims to help homeless young people become self-sufficient and independent through necessary support: training, employment, and housing.
  • Acción Familiar: With the project “Contigo lo consigo,” they aim to support and accompany 120 minors under protection in Child Protection Centers in the Community of Madrid due to their socio-family circumstances.
  • Fundación Hay Salida: Their project ensures that all women in their residence, in vulnerable situations, are prepared to regain full autonomy and reintegrate into society.


  • Asociación de familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer de Ourense (AFAOR): They will use the funds to set up a new occupational center in Ourense, creating therapeutic units for Alzheimer’s patients and those with other related neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Asociación Española de Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ADELA): Their project aims to provide multidisciplinary respiratory care for ALS patients through physiotherapy, speech therapy, and ventilatory support techniques.
  • Médicos del Mundo: Operating in Melilla, they seek to create violence-free spaces for children, especially in educational settings.
  • Asociación de familias de niños con cáncer del Principado de Asturias: Their program, “Lo que nos queda por Vivir,” aims to support childhood cancer survivors.

International Cooperation

  • Asociación Harambee: Their project “Forfait Mama” aims to improve care for pregnant women and their babies, reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Rafiki África: They organize a microcredit plan for livestock and agriculture for women in Kenziga, Uganda.
  • Fundación África Directo: They fight skin cancer in people with albinism by introducing regular dermatological services in 14 districts of Malawi and enhancing awareness and training.
  • Fundación Dilaya: They will establish a child nutritional health center in Kenya.

Each year, the winning NGOs join the Santander Solidarity Network, which includes more than 150 NGOs with which the bank collaborates through various initiatives, including pro bono volunteering, where employees offer their expertise to the NGOs.

Additionally, during the event, three winning projects from the Santander Ayuda Awards by Fundación Banco Santander were recognized for their contribution to combating child and adolescent poverty in Spain. These projects – Intervención psicosocial con infancia vulnerable by Asociación Ciudad Joven, Futuro, música by Asociación Norai, and Inclusión social de menores en situación de pobreza by Asociación Nuevo Futuro – provide comprehensive support to children and adolescents to ensure that their economic circumstances do not prevent them from fully enjoying their rights and having better future opportunities.

Social investment to support the community

Banco Santander maintains its commitment to the progress of people and society through the support of hundreds of social projects in all the countries in which it is present, clearly impacting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the Nations United.

In 2023, the Santander Group allocated 174 million euros, 105 in support of higher education, employability and entrepreneurship and 69 in other local community support initiatives that have helped more than 2.2 million people. In Spain, the entity allocated 13 million euros for these purposes, aimed at the most vulnerable groups or those at risk of social exclusion. Added to this financial support are the 83,000 volunteer hours dedicated by more than 27,000 Santander employees to help groups such as people with disabilities, seniors who suffer from loneliness, or provide training to those who need it most.

During this year, financial education constituted a strategic pillar. In Spain, more than 440 bank volunteers participated as trainers in the free financial education workshops taught through the ‘Finance for Mortals’ programs; ‘Your Finances, your Future’, promoted by the AEB or ‘Financial Education in the Schools of Catalonia’, promoted by the Institute of Financial Studies.

Preventing early school leaving and promoting the work skills of people with disabilities, women, children with difficulties and other vulnerable groups also remained a priority. Each subsidiary develops its own program based on local needs. In Spain, we launched several programs to strengthen the digital skills of girls in disadvantaged areas, older people and other vulnerable groups.

In addition, Santander, through Santander Universities, has helped more than 33,000 people in Spain with scholarships, employability training and entrepreneurship programs. And through the Universia Foundation, more than 1,500 students with disabilities have been supported.

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